
Netflix’s “Maid” appeals to the Entire Human Demographic

Since finishing the Netflix series “Maid,” I’ve told many of my peers that it was too good to put into words.  This, of course, is literary laziness, my cop-out strategy when I struggle to articulate something cleanly. In “Maid” I encountered something so removed from my experience and yet so relatable. “Maid” is more deservingContinue reading "Netflix’s “Maid” appeals to the Entire Human Demographic"


Society is progressing, realizing our language matters. And we are (rightly) stripping gender from titles, names Adopting a more inclusive approach. They are police officers, mail carriers, Congress people, because they are not exclusively male, not nearly. Paying homage to the fight for equity lives within our lexicon, starts with our syntax. But. I wouldContinue reading "Equality"

What if the president really is a very stable genus?

Early in the morning on January 6, 2018, the president took to the new era bully pulpit, Twitter, to defend his mental stability.  In an infamous tweetstorm, one which coined a future book title, he proudly labeled himself, among other things, “a very stable genius.”  Like many of his tweets it was met with wide-rangingContinue reading "What if the president really is a very stable genus?"

The Ghetto Activist

Countering thousands of years of misinformation degradation & systemic oppression.

The Dreamer & The Realist

Opinions, essays, and reflections on politics, faith, and culture

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.


Truth seeker. Predictions, parodies, and satire. Sometimes unpopular political opinions from a female Baby Boomer. Defender of free speech, free thought, parents' rights, and honest elections. ANTI: Woke, BLM, Antifa, Gender Neutrality, CRT, and Transgender, Pride, and Metoo Activists.


These posts are best paired with a spoonful of peanut butter and some hot tea. Hope you find some snippets of happiness here. :)

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